Monday, 20 June 2011

Delivery progress at last!

Been making progress on the delivery of dummies using clicker training. It's got us to the point where he will deliver to hand but I'd like him to sit and present .... so we continue.

I can now put in an 'ah ah' if he drops the dummy before it gets to me and he will pick it back up and deliver to hand. Not ideal for him to drop the first place but he gets the idea that he doesn't get another retrieve until it's safely in my hand. The dropping is becoming less and less.

I wasn't sure how to move this onto a present as if I put in a sit I got an instant drop. Without a retrieve I can get an sit and hold. This morning I did a couple of these and then a retrieve and he bought it back with a present! Only with a tennis ball and the hold wasn't for very long but WE HAVE PROGRESS YEY!

1:1 lesson on Wednesday and I'd like to get a few of these in for the trainer to see.

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